Tuesday, March 31

I'm From...

I'm from the sea,
The Latin root
A renamed child
Inspiration from a half-Greek sci-fi actress.

I'm from Disney-themed clothes,
Disney toys, Disney dishes.
The animals were my favorites
Since all my Barbies ended up dismembered.
(I couldn't stand their perfect bodies,
perfect faces, perfect hair.)

I'm from a canopy bed
where my imaginary friends
threw imaginary parties
on a soft trampoline of white fabric above my head.
While they napped
I played a biblical version of Steppenwolf's
"Magic Carpet Ride"
where I saved all my stuffed animals
from impending doom
by rescuing them with a lasso.
When that didn't work
(it never did)
I just carried them and placed them in their rightful spots.
With an atlas we plotted our trip
Antarctica to Australia to Alaska.

I'm from one of the happiest places on Earth
where I compared my long hair to Princess Jasmine's.
I was terrified to ride Splash Mountain
I was terrified of everything
the noises, the lights, the people.
I'd never been happier to go home.

I'm from a constantly changing house
Down goes the deck, up comes
a glass sunroom, looking up at the cottonwood trees
I watched the summer wind bring us
their downy snow in July.

I'm from scooter races in the cul-de-sac,
covering our bodies with colorful chalk
Dancing to scare off the neighborhood witch
Who died of a stroke years later.
I'm from sun-warmed asphalt
that burned my bare feet
in the summer.
The air conditioner was a godsend.

I'm from a closet under the stairs
Star-patterned wallpaper and tan carpet,
just enough space for a curled-up teen.
I made my own night sky
with a bottle of glow-in-the-dark fabric paint
dotted across the angled ceiling.
Pictures of two green fairies on the wall
One of them absinthe.

I'm from my own world of scarlet pain
using whatever I could
to tally my sorrows in scratches across my arm.
from downcast eyes
oversized clothes to hide myself as far from others as I could.

I'm from ropes camp,
the constant rustling of leaves outside the cabins.
bugs in the lights, bugs on the floor.
Late-night conversations hushed again and again
by irritable counselors.
The sky so dark, velvet blue
with crystalline stars sparkling
too many to count.
The dancing, the singing,
the tears from surprising emotion.
Rope burns, bark scratches,
all for the thrill of leaping from daring heights
and trusting your team to catch you.

I'm from broken hearts and reparations
sharing unbelievable new things
with unbelievable new people
watching swirling patterns in front of my eyes
feeling the intensity that I'd never noticed before.

I'm from a series of explorations.
Deep, dark secrets best unearthed.
Learning that my life philosophy
is taken from a musical.
"there's only us, there's only this
forget regret, or life is yours to miss.
No other road, no other way,
no day but today."
Sharing my perspective
seeing into someone else's thoughts
taking opportunities when they arise
discovering the hidden beauty in the monotonous routine.

I'm from this little blue-green planet
a nearly irrelevant speck in the galaxy.

I'm from this country
under new management
dying economy, threatening messages
wrapped so tightly in our money blanket
we can't feel the breath of our world
whispering for help.

I'm from this state
Green, green, green.
Beavers and ducks
Coastline and desert
huddled in our valley
we watch the rain fall.

I'm from this town
Too big to know everyone, too small to be anonymous.
where houses appear like they've been pressed from a mold.

I'm from this house
creaking floorboards
intermittent heat
two four-legged animals in the house,
three two-legged ones outside.
A piano shares a room with a computer
and an rocking couch with scratchy upholstery.
New couches in an old room,
new electronics against old walls.

I'm from this room
six by eighteen by six.
A closet, unheated.
an electric blanket is my only warmth.
Pictures line the walls
friends' faces over my pillow
illuminated by the single bare bulb near the ceiling.
a mattress on the floor
a cushion on the floor
clothes on the floor.
A cardboard box for a nightstand.
Never completely clean.
My sanctuary.

I'm from a world of turmoil
yet a world of beauty
a world of happiness within misery.
Claw your way through this disguise
and you'll find me hiding inside.

I Am.

This is one attempt at my creative writing "I am" poem.
It directly follows the template I was given.

I am a dreamer.
I wonder how many lenses life can be seen through.
I feel surrounded by life and filled with potential.
I worry that others won't understand me.
I hope for the chance to fly.
I am a dreamer.

I am a risk taker.
I dream of a world so unlike ours.
I need to share headspace with others.
I understand I can push the limits.
I believe I can go farther.
I am a risk taker.

I am me.
I wish for everyone to hear their melody.
I try to make an impact.
I fear utter isolation.
I love who I am.
I am me.

The Budding Psychonaut

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This article is about people who explore their inner psyche, and related practices; for other uses, see Psychonaut (disambiguation).
This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources (ideally, using inline citations). Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2007)

A psychonaut (a modern portmanteau of the Greek ψυχή (soul) and ναύτης (sailor), that is, a sailor of the mind/soul) is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness in an attempt to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. Psychonauts tend to be pluralistic, willing to explore mystical traditions from established world religions, meditation, lucid dreaming, technologies such as brainwave entrainment and sensory deprivation, and often psychedelic drugs (entheogens). Because techniques that alter consciousness can be dangerous, and can induce a state of extreme susceptibility, psychonauts generally prefer to undertake these explorations either alone, or in the company of people they trust. Therefore, they are averse to using altered consciousness in a "party" context. Psychonauts generally regard the latter sort of use as irresponsible and dangerous.

Goals of psychonautic practices may be to answer questions about how the mind works, improve one's psychological state, answer existential or spiritual questions, or improve cognitive performance in everyday life.

1 Term
2 Use of the term
3 Associated concepts, technologies, and practices
3.1 Concepts
3.1.1 Brain function
3.1.2 Mythical archetypes and concepts
3.1.3 Metaphysics
3.2 Technologies and practices
3.2.1 Hallucinogens/entheogens
3.2.2 Cannabis
3.2.3 Dreams
3.2.4 Meditation
3.2.5 Ritual
3.2.6 Other
4 References
5 External links

While some psychonauts abstain from psychoactive drugs and discourage their use, others encourage it, and the term "psychonaut" is often misinterpreted as implying frequent drug use. Most psychonauts maintain that their use of altered consciousness is different from social or recreational use, and their use may or may not have a religious or spiritual significance to them.

According to Jonathan Ott, the word psychonaut was originally coined by the German author Ernst Jünger.

Use of the term
Psychonaut is a modern term used to describe one who uses trance technologies and, more specifically mind-altering substances, more for their ability to act as entheogens than for their inebriating (or social) effect. In effect, they are used as a means to achieve states of mind in which different perceptions, unhindered by everyday mental filters and processes, can arise. Psychonauts believe that when a mind-altering substance is used with this intent, its effects can be life altering and are not mere hallucinations. An alternate description is that while some aspects of the experience may be hallucinatory, the realizations caused by those hallucinations and the mental, emotional and long term impact of the experience are real, usually positive, and enduring.

The term is often associated with neoshamanic practices; however, many distinguish between the mental exploration of the psychonaut and healing-oriented shamanic practice.

Associated concepts, technologies, and practices


Brain function
Psychonautics may be considered an attempt to generate a user's manual for the human brain. Unlike psychology, which is concerned with understanding other people, psychonauts are more concerned with understanding themselves, and the process of self exploration; accordingly, they engage in direct exploration of themselves and their own thought processes.

As such, psychonauts seek to experientially understand mental process and functioning and employ such knowledge in their activities. Key to this is auto-modification of brain wave frequencies, which can lead to quite distinct perceptual states; a detailed examination and understanding of one's own thought processes, habits, and beliefs is also sought.[citation needed] Hallucinatory states, drug-induced or otherwise, are seen as a form of subliminal symbolism or as a real but distinct reality; as with other processes of the mind, psychonauts seek to understand these. These states often simultaneously dissociate the mind from the ego and offer a subjective view of one's mental processes. Psychological theories and concepts are also often taken into account, particularly those of Carl G. Jung and Abraham Maslow.

This is also ideally practically applied in bettering one's self through the knowledge of one's own thought processes; with this understanding and heightened perception of one's own internal dialogue, it is thought that one is more able to control his own ego, and detach oneself from what is seen as a herd mentality common to modern culture.

Mythical archetypes and concepts
Psychonauts, as described in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, place emphasis on various mythical archetypes and concepts, believing that these are useful to coming to understand one's own thought patterns and the nature of existence, reflecting realities and meanings that should be understood, rather than being irrelevant fantasy. As in shamanic practice, the Axis mundi is often employed, often overlaid with chakras and other relevant concepts of bodily function; the Kabbalist Tree of Life and its chakra-like sephirot is one notable example of this in mythology. The nature of karma is often explored in trying to understand one's own situation, actions, and relation to the outside world.

Psychonauts are often interested in metaphysics, the branch of philosophy dealing with the ultimate nature of reality or existence; it is thought that in coming to some understanding of how the universe functions and the nature of existence, one would be better able to govern themselves accordingly and integrate their life experiences.

Technologies and practices

The technology and practice most often associated with psychonauts is the use of psychedelic drugs for mental exploration. The method of use varies widely; such usage is often (but not always) entheogenic and informed by traditional shamanic uses of psychedelic drugs and rituals surrounding such usage.

Some psychedelics and dissociatives commonly used by psychonauts include:

Psilocybin mushrooms like Psilocybe cubensis, also known as shrooms or Magic Mushrooms
Psychoactive Cacti such as Peyote and San Pedro, which contain mescaline
Salvia Divinorum, which contains salvinorin A
Ayahuasca, a combination of MAO inhibitors and DMT
DMT crystals, vaporized
LSA commonly extracted from Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Morning Glory seeds (though they can also simply be chewed)

Less common:

Amanita muscaria
Though avoided by most modern psychonauts, certain species of the Nightshade family have been used for psychoactive purposes throughout human history. The most common of these is Datura stramonium, which is classified as a deliriant, not as a psychedelic. Datura is rarely used by psychonauts because control and lucidity are lost in a delirious state, and the experience is often not remembered. Similarly, psychonauts often prefer to consume salvia via the "quid" method, rather than inducing an intense, short-lived trip associated with smoking extracts. With deliriants like datura, self-inflicted injury and even death can occur. Nevertheless, deliriants are still occasionally employed in psychonautics.

Cannabis is often used individually, or in combination with many hallucinogens to amplify and extend the experience. The drug THC (the main psychoactive chemical in Cannabis) is technically classified as a hallucinogen with both sedative and stimulant properties. Though it is generally considered a "light hallucinogen," its synergistic effect with other hallucinogens is rather potent.

As dreams are considered by psychonauts to be a window into thought processes, many keep dream journals in order to better remember dreams and further their understanding of their own symbolic internal dialogue. Many attempt to not only remember their dreams, but engage in lucid dreaming, in which one is consciously aware of their state while dreaming.

There are various forms of meditation though the most commonly practiced is 'concentration meditation' where the meditator seeks to quiet the activity of his/her mind by concentrating/focusing attention upon a single object, sound, sensation or thought. The mastering of concentration meditation often leads to profound insights as well as preparing the meditator for more advanced techniques. Meditation provides a drug free way to expanded consciousness though effort and patience are required.

Ritual is often employed for purposes of grounding and centering one's self, to set one's focus and intentions, and to instill a conception of the significance and depth of psychonautical practice. Repeated use of ritual may also train the brain to associate certain activities and states of consciousness with specific situations, creating deeper experiences and allowing one to more easily enter altered states of consciousness.

Other technologies and practices employed include:

Sleep deprivation
Isolation tank
Sensory deprivation
Sensory overload
Psychomanteum, a dark-room retreat
Brainwave synchronization also as "Brainwave entrainment"
Lucid dreaming
Mind machines
Astral Projection


I am a mind-sailor.
I want to learn more about myself, so this is who I am.


Thursday, March 26

I know I'm a techno-hippie.

Three of my most-played songs on my iPod...
The rest of them are also psychedelic rock (more Pink Floyd) or some form of techno, trance, or rave.

Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd

When you can't deal with the pain any more, you retreat somewhere deep within yourself, and you become comfortably numb.

Ravers Fantasy by Tune Up!

This song has the kind of beat that makes you want to jump up and dance, no matter how low you feel. It never fails to cheer me up.
"this is my melody / and it's just the Ravers Fantasy / and I know if you're in love with me tonight / we're ravin' through the night"

Sandstorm by Darude

Best. Techno. Song. Ever.

Mental stability

I'd say now that the condition of my brain is much more stable than ever.
I don't have wild mood swings like I used to.
I'm more mellow, no super-depressed state.

There are a lot of things that could have contributed to that.

And maybe soon I'll be even more aware of who I am.

I might have a difference perception of myself than before, but I still have only a fraction of a clue about my identity.
I'm looking forward to what lies ahead for me.


Monday, March 23

Permits, Puppies, UAs, and the Forks High School Prom

God, I'm so confused.
When you like one person... but you like another person...
and you have a really deep connection with both of them...
One more so than the other.


Well last night was great anyways.
Lots of dancing and eventually the music got better.
Two slow dances...
I got so shy!
Oh god.
Awkward moments too.
Wesley's mother... *gagbarf*

I got my real permit, not the crappy little plastic one.


I want a VW bus.

The one I saw on craigslist.


I'm gonna look that up.


PS. we have a puppy.

Sunday, March 15

The world (in depth)

Though I got my permit easily last week, I've managed to get it taken away.
It's my fault, I knew the consequences before I even started.
I might get it back if I take a drug test and the results are negative.

I can't say I regret doing anything, because I'm quite satisfied with the way I've been living.

"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
-Bob Marley

I wasn't much of a risk taker at first. Probably because I attended Catholic grade school. Now I realize just how much I was missing.

Thank you to all my friends who have shared crazy, peaceful, messed up, fun, or just plain hysterical moments with me. You guys know who you are ;)

And special thanks to my best friend (here in mac of course)
Who taught me about the world...
Who helped to repay the trees we may have injured...
Who let me teach him the story of the Memorial Fountain...
Who I owe my sanity to...
Who I told my life story to in a matter of a few hours.
Who shared with me a fabulous experience that was better than I ever hoped it to be.
Who shares food, thoughts, dreams, and interests with me on a daily basis.
We know the sheer amazingness of orange juice, Cheese-its, cough drops, and glow sticks, of tree bark and flowers, of eye colors and trampolines and stars and back massages, of the world in and of itself.

To see it as it really is, we have to get rid of our hate, our hesitation, our "I'm not good enough" complex... we have to live in peace with everything and everyone!
I don't understand why people can't get that.

When we were sightreading a piece at the George Fox Band Festival last week, Mr. Elliot said that if we took anything away from that day, it was one word.


This can be applied to every day!

We have senses for a reason.
So we can percieve what is going on around us.

Some people percieve the world like this:

What we need to do is take more time to "stop and smell the roses."

We need to
SEE instead of look.
LISTEN instead of hear.
FEEL instead of touch.
TAKE IN scents instead of smelling them.
ANALYZE FLAVORS instead of just tasting them.

There's so much we're missing out on!
Look at the little things in life.
Flowers, trees, and other plants, for instance.

They're pretty to look at. Lots of colors.
each flower is different. each is unique. look at the veins on the petals, the structure of the leaves and stems.
Some of them smell good.
millions of years' worth of adapting the pheremones to attract just the right creatures. the pheremones even affect us in different ways.
We eat some of them.
they've evolved over such a long time, they know how to taste so animals (us included) will eat them and take the seeds elsewhere, furthering the lineage.
They make noise.
the wind through tree leaves, a sound we all take for granted.
They all have a different texture.
trees are just begging to be touched. the differences simply between birch and cedar, pine and aspen, are so remarkable.

On that same subject, plants are the healthiest edible substances we can eat.
They contain massive amounts of nutrients, vital minerals and vitamins that we need to survive.
Our bodies have adapted to eat this kind of food and to digest it in the most efficient way.

Then come the corporations.
They make substances like peanut butter more appetizing in texture by using hydrogenated oils.
For them, it's less expensive.
It also produces that creamy texture that we all know and love in Jif peanut butter.
mmm... coronary heart disease, all nice and packaged for convenience.
Liver dysfunction, infertility, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, and of course obesity.
All caused by trans fats.

Natural, organic peanut butter, unlike commercial-made, has a key difference.
With no hydrogenated oils, if natural peanut butter is left sitting out, it will seperate into the oil and the paste.

Peanut butter with hydrogenated vegetable oil doesn't do that.

Regular nuts and seeds contain Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Good stuff.

I have to cut this post short, I may write more later.


Saturday, March 14

the world...

is quite amazing.

There's no possible way I could even start describing how I felt...
How I now feel.

Only one person knows how my brain's working right now.


Wednesday, March 11

Innocence percentage. (31% innocent)

01. Smoked X
02. Drank alcohol X
03. Cried when someone died X
04. Been drunk X
05. Had sex
06. Been to a concert X
07. Gotten/given a hand job
08. Been verbally/sexually harassed X
09. Verbally/sexually harassed somebody X
11. Felt someone up and/or been felt up X
12. Laughed so hard something came out of your nose
13. Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before
14. Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend X
15. Been to prom X
16. Cried at school X
17. Gotten lost in a Wal-Mart or a department store X
18. Went streaking
19. Given or received a lap dance
20. Had someone of the opposite sex in your room X


21. Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over X
22. Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house X
23. Kissed a stranger X
24. Hugged a stranger X
25. Went scuba diving
26. Driven a car X
27. Gotten an x-ray X
28. Hit by a car
29. Had a party X
30. Done drugs X


31. Played strip poker/darts/pool
32. Got paid to strip for someone
33. Run away from home
34. Broken a bone X
35. Eaten sushi X
36. Bought porn
37. Watched porn
38. Made porn
39. Made beans X
40. Been in love X


41. French kissed X
42. Laughed so hard you cried X
43. Cried yourself to sleep X
44. Laughed yourself to sleep X
45. Stabbed yourself
46. Shot a gun
47. Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day X
48. Been online for 9 consecutive hours X
49. Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours X
50. Watched an animal die X


51. Watched a person die
52. Kissed somewhere with at least 1 person present X
53. Pranked somebody X
54. Put somebody in the hospital
55. Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out X
56. Made spicy beans X
57. Dressed punk X
58. Dressed Goth X
59. Dressed preppy
60. Been to a motocross race


61. Avoided somebody X
62. Been stalked X
63. Stalked someone X
64. Met a celebrity X
65. Played an instrument X
66. Ridden a horse X
67. Cut yourself X
68. Bungee jumped
69. Ding dong ditched somebody X
70. Been to a wild party X


71. Been caught stealing something X
72. Kicked/punched a guy in the balls X
73. Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend X
74. Gone out with your friend's crush
75. Got arrested
76. Been pregnant
77. Babysat X
78. Been to another country
79. Started your house on fire
80. Had an encounter with a ghost X


81. Donated your hair to cancer patients X
82. Been asked out by someone that you never thought you'd be asked out by X
83. Cried over a member of the opposite sex X
84. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 2 months X
85. Sat on your butt all day X
86. Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself X
87. Had a job
88. Gotten cut from a sports team
89. Been called a whore X
90. Danced like a whore X


91. Been mistaken for a celebrity
92. Been in a car accident X
93. Been told you have beautiful eyes X
94. Been told you have beautiful hair X
95. Raped somebody
96. Danced in the rain X
97. Been rejected X
98. Left a restaurant without paying X
99. Punched someone/slapped someone in the face X
100. Been raped

Total percentage – 31%

Not surprising, in any way.
That's how innocent I am.
I've changed a lot.

Looking forward to Friday!
In fact, I'm quite ecstatic.

I have nothing else to say really.
So I guess I'll chill to some more Pink Floyd and take a lukewarm shower.
Then off to bed.

I have to be mentally prepared.


Sunday, March 8

Coming back to life.

So this post is going to be pretty short seeing as I have no skills when it comes to iPod Touches and iPhones.
Sydney and kaylee and I are hanging out and technically we are having a movie night without the movies.
We watched RENT and part of Labyrinth, made a few random videos that will be on YouTube shortly.
I may post something of substance later today x]

Later days, dudes.


Wednesday, March 4

Back to life, back to reality...

After wondering about life for a while, I've finally decided to REALLY think about it.

Why do we live?

Is there a point?

All of life is in fact a dream.

It's when we dream that we live.

When our perception of normal life is altered.

When the barriers that society throws around our mind are torn away.

That's when we really live.

To different extents, that's when we truly live.

Each morning you wake up and it's a new day.

It's called the "present."

And unless it's the future, it's past.

What happened has already happened and there is no going back.

Why dwell on it?

Live in the moment, because every moment that you waste is a moment you'll never get back.

That's why I've started living with an altered perception as much as possible.
And letting no opportunity pass me by.

The alteration causes such a great combination of sensory enhancements that I can really understand why life even exists.

Those of you who are trying to "save people's lives" should know exactly what life is before they try to irrationally save it.

I'm going to go now, and later I'll be more inspired.



Sunday, March 1

six feet under the stars

Here's my attempt at a decent blog post.

After school, Sydney and I went to chill at her house.
We made the most kick ass Rice Crispie treats this side of the Rio Grande.
They were PINK! FOR SHIZ!
We danced to "Wild Thing" in the middle of her kitchen.
Cuz we are sexy aerobics-doing chicas!
She got to reply to a talent scout who wants her to be in a commercial for the Mac area!
I got some news from my dear Daniel :P
He was in Turkey at one point and apparently it's a beautiful place.
*stares into space for a while*

Woke up at 4.
Started loading up all our stuff into the truck.
The people who design those cars don't think about long-legged teens being in the backseat or something.
Not that comfy but whatever.
I started listening to music and staring aimlessly out the window.
The scenery kept speeding by... once we got past Carlton and Yamhill it was refreshingly unfamiiar.
I was in a weird state of mind, really.
Peaceful, calm, the dark was soothing.
Everything seemed ... right.
It was amazing.
We went up over the mountains and there was actually snow on the ground, ghostlike in the dark.
The bridge that spans the Columbia River was scenic and pretty, even if the weather wasn't.
The wind was whipping the tops of the waves into foam and spray and the bridge curved over the whole thing, looking, for lack of a better word, majestic.
We got to their house and started working.
Not much to say about that.
We made a fire to keep warm and I was my typical pyromaniac self and stared at it until I was seeing things that weren't there.
Didn't eat dinner out of courtesy.
I ate a fried chicken gizzard though. XD
that was interesting. it was quite good.
We went over to the family friend's house and I played with their dog that looks strikingly like Cookie... but thinner, taller, and with one white paw.
Watched Madagascar 2, which lived up to my expectations, surprisingly.
Went to sleep... blissful sleep while listening to my playlist that I made specifically for that purpose.

Woke up early... really early.
Nobody else was awake so I went back to sleep.
Woke up again at eight to the smell of bacon, sausage, and french toast.
Also Shadow licked me and sydney both in the face.
We puttered around eating and talking about random injuries then set out on our way back to Mac.
Stopped at Costco just outside Astoria.
Wandered around in there for a while.
Finally got back in the car and drove without a break all the way back.
I was listening to this playlist that I made to remind me of Daniel.
"Only God Knows Why" - Kid Rock
"Walk Away" - Dropkick Murphys
"Fields of Athenry" - Dropkick Murphys
"The Last Letter Home" - Dropkick Murphys
"I'm Shipping Up To Boston" - Dropkick Murphys
"Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd
"Your Hand In Mine" - Explosions in the Sky

Yeah. I was in a trance thinking about life on the way back.
Worked around my problems... got into my own head so I could figure stuff out.
My mind is a hella weird place.
But I think I figured myself out some more.

So all in all...
South Bend, WA.
It was cold.
It was windy.
It was raining.
But it was fun.

I feel like I'm writing a short excerpt of a memoir.
Or something.

Ashley and I are gonna have a freaking ton of fun pretty soon.
Clothing workshop is a RYOT!

Yes, I meant to spell that wrong.

I'm gonna go for now.
"Six feet under the stars..."