Wednesday, March 4

Back to life, back to reality...

After wondering about life for a while, I've finally decided to REALLY think about it.

Why do we live?

Is there a point?

All of life is in fact a dream.

It's when we dream that we live.

When our perception of normal life is altered.

When the barriers that society throws around our mind are torn away.

That's when we really live.

To different extents, that's when we truly live.

Each morning you wake up and it's a new day.

It's called the "present."

And unless it's the future, it's past.

What happened has already happened and there is no going back.

Why dwell on it?

Live in the moment, because every moment that you waste is a moment you'll never get back.

That's why I've started living with an altered perception as much as possible.
And letting no opportunity pass me by.

The alteration causes such a great combination of sensory enhancements that I can really understand why life even exists.

Those of you who are trying to "save people's lives" should know exactly what life is before they try to irrationally save it.

I'm going to go now, and later I'll be more inspired.



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