Thursday, December 17

Dear Vienna.

Have you ever been in a situation where everything falls apart and it's all you can do to try to keep yourself together?

Yeah, that's happening to me.

I'm at fault. I know that.

I can't decide if this sense of dread is paranoia or precognition.

I don't know if my body knows something my brain hasn't accepted yet. I'm trembling like a leaf and I don't want to eat because I'm sick to my stomach. I can't even cry anymore; my tears are gone.

One way or the other, I know I'll be okay. Time heals all wounds, large and small.

I just wish I knew what was going on.


"waving in the distance, waving
waving in the minutes, waning
waiting for this to make sense, waiting
stop waving back, I'm drowning."

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