I must be ripping off half a dozen people right now, but dammit, I want to join too!
The people that write letters to inanimate objects, I mean.
Dear tape,
Thanks for sticking with me.
Love, me.
Dear notebooks,
You are a neverending plethora of information, and more often than not, surprises.
Love, me, 6 years later.
Dear clothes hangers,
I find you useless now, since I have no closet in my room. Rather, my room is a closet. Please stop appearing on my floor, as you are rather uncomfortable to sit on. There is a nice cozy closet nearby where you would fit right in. Pack your things, I will move you there tomorrow.
Love, a person who folds their clothes instead.
Dear electric kettle,
Please learn the meaning of "comfortably hot."
Love, ruined taste buds.
Dear cat,
I know you love to investigate everything in my room, but if you'd refrain from curling up and gnawing on live power cords, it may cause me to have fewer panic attacks.
Love, technology junkie.
Dear bra,
Despite everything, you've still got my back. And my front.
Love, size D.
Dear dog,
Who's a good doggie? Do you wannnnnnna cookie? Want to go... OUTSIIIIIIIDE?
Love, me (at 2 in the morning, and sorry, but it'll have to wait. you can hold it.)
Dear patch of floor I recently moved my bed to,
I feel as if something has come between us. Maybe we can reestablish contact someday.
Love, sleepy.
Dear retainer,
Keep it together.
Love, post-orthodontic subject.
Dear laptop,
4 days without a crash. Good job. Let's keep it that way.
Love, college student.
Dear zombies,
Love, Dr. Freeman.
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