Friday, November 14

My review of chicken pox.

Okay, first off.

It itches.


Blisters... Little red bumps with clear heads, like zits but not really.
Mostly on my torso but one is all by itself on the back of my knee.
Luckily I've only had them for two days so far so none have burst (yuch)
I want to pop them, buuuut that's not a good idea.

As if the pox itself wasn't bad enough, boredom rears its ugly head.
I watched Sweeney Todd yesterday. Twice.
Downloaded some of the music today.
Played Tomb Raider for Wii and chucked the Nunchuk across the room in frustration.
Scratched a little.
Made soup and bread and took it to my boyfriend, who stayed home today too, with a cold.
Came home.
Scratched some more.
Ripped music from Ten Thousand Fists and The Sickness.
Put the music on my phone.
Made a mix CD for Kevin.
Ate a bowl of cereal.
Drank some hydrocodone.
Ate another bowl of cereal.
Danced like an idiot.
Took some Benadryl.
Thought about an oatmeal bath.
Decided I didn't want to smell like breakfast.
Scratched some more.
Cooked some chicken-flavored Top Ramen.
Ate another bowl of cereal.
Took more hydrocodone.
Sat down at the computer and started to blog.
Scratched some more.
So now that it's up to date...
I have nothing further to write about.
So now I'm going to record what happens from here on.
Scratch a little.
I don't give a damn anymore. It itches.
Wonder if Devynn would enjoy my ponderings...
Becky brought me a brownie.
It has Oreo pieces on it.
And chocolate syrup.
Tastes like barbecue.
Swing my feet.
My phone buzzed.
Hang on.
Sam thanked me for taking care of him.
Duhh. It's my job.
Take another bite of brownie.
Fruit fly. Go away.
Ryan has a fan or something.
He's talking about Bingo.
Told me to shut up.
I'm typing and he's reading over my shoulder.
Go away, ryan.
pretty please?
With a cherry on top?
Buzzz... hold on.
The dog sneezed.
Poor thing.
He has a fan and he's blowing it in her ear
Forgot to feed the dog.
Eat the rest of the brownie.
stick, stick, stick.
My fingers are sticky.
I think I'm going insane.
Do hydrocodone and benadryl mix badly?
Maybe it was a freaky reaction of ramen and cereal.
I need a life.
People need to talk to me.
Gotta check my phone.
'Scuse me.
Crack my neck.
That's it.
Four knuckles pop.
I have a hangnail.
And a text.
Scratch some more.
Elbows won't pop.
My scalp is burning.
Morgenstern means morning star.
Engel is angel.
Tier is animal.
Himmel is heaven.
Marina is Marina.
Sam is Sam.
Kevin is Kevin.
Is that right?
Another text.
Told Sam I was blogging.
He thinks MySpace is the devil.
[I agree]
My scalp is still burning.
Kick my feet, scrape, scrape, scrape.
Run my nails over my scalp.
Burns. Still itches.
Gotta end this soon. I ate my weight in Frosted Mini Spooners today. I feel like a fatty. Only it's all good. I have a right to be lazy.

"Könnt ihr mich hören?
Wir hören dich
Könnt ihr mich sehen?
Wir sehen dich
Könnt ihr mich fühlen?
Wir fühlen dich
Ich versteh euch nicht"

"Can you hear me?
(We hear you)
Can you see me?
(We see you)
Can you feel me?
(We feel you)
I don't understand you"

"Ich Will" (I want) - Rammstein

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