Let me see... I haven't been on here all week. So here's how the rest of the week turned out.
Returned victoriously to school.
Got sucked into the same rut that I usually do.
But it was an A day, I deal with them.
Ashley and I made plans for Monday... (Tomorrow! so excited! ^_^)
That's all I can remember
Can't remember anything but the lesson in Food Choices.
Too much of a blur.
Can't remember what happened during the day but the bus was late after school. Ended up home at the same time. Weird coincidence.
Also did some stuff I shouldn't have.
But it was Friday night, ya know? What else could I do? Rachel went to see Twilight and Becky was at a dance... I had nothing to do.
Sat around watching Sweeney Todd for the fifth time.
Ate ramen.
Got a call from cousin Robert asking if I could babysit for him in Wilamina (how the hell do you spell that?!?)
I said yes, figured I could earn some cash and a possibility of more cash haha... wow.
Planned a nacho party with ashley for next saturday...
Gonna rock.
If it happens.
Robert picked me up and drove me to his house, and I saw all my little cousins that I haven't seen for a year or two... Kelly is Becky's size now, she's nine. Cassie doesn't seem much different. Aubree's soooo cute... she's getting tall. She may be adorable but she latched onto my throat a few times... I think she was trying to kill me. I had forgotten completely that they had another kid! Riker, I think his name is. He's almost a year old... a cutie but always wandering into trouble. Flipped over the dog's water dish and proceeded to sail a GameBoy Advance game cartridge in the puddle. A boy after my own heart. Picked him up for the thousandth time and put him over by his pile of toys. It distracted him for a few minutes but after his interest waned he was off to more shenanigans. Smacked his head on a coffee table and cried for a few minutes, then fell asleep randomly. I decided to make myself some pasta, as I hadn't yet had dinner. They had a gas stove. I couldn't hardly stand the scent, but hey, I was hungry and it was 7:00. So I boiled water and threw in the pasta, Kelly insisted on testing it to see if it was ready. She threw a noodle at the wall and I laughingly explained to her that it was only going to stick if it were spaghetti (they were egg noodles). I had to make all three of the girls share the DS, but Cassie was satisfied watching Spongebob. The other two ended up sitting on the couch watching too. I changed Riker, fed him, and put him to bed. Cleaned up after Max, their dingo-pit bull-chocolate Lab puppy. Washed a sinkful of dishes and put them away. Finished cleaning up the dog's water bowl mess and tossed the wet towels in the laundry just as Robert and Katie came back.
Thus, I survived babysitting four kids, two cats, and a puppy.
And scored forty bucks.
already have plans for the above-mentioned cash.
Ashley knows it :P
This is going to totally ROCK.
I don't have much else to say though, so I guess I'll go look up some music that Ashley wanted me to listen to.
"You don't know what your power has done to me
My very soul has to bleed this time
Another hole in the wall of my inner defenses
Leaving me breathless, the reason I know..."
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