Monday, April 18

This Post is Full of Win.

See? I told you! What could better represent win than the noble, gleaming cranium of Captain Picard?

You know, I went back in the archives of my blog today and read every post. It made me realize just how much I've grown up over the past few years.

Sometimes I just feel like I'm getting old already, as in geriatric old.

I might as well forgo my first car and get a motorized scooter instead.

Maybe I'm just incredibly tired.

College can seem ridiculously overwhelming, especially when you cover an entire sheet of notebook paper with your list of assignments and exam dates and pin it to the wall next to your pillow. It seems even more overwhelming when you can't go to sleep without first reciting the items and their respective dates over and over.

However, I can look at the bright side. Portal 2 was just released two hours ago, and I hope to venture back into the Enrichment Center very soon!
