Sunday, February 27


I long for summer. I miss the open blue sky, spending all day in the sun, having nothing to do but relax and enjoy three months of rest.

Getting away from the college stress sounds really good right now.

Most of all, I love being outdoors. Walking around in the nature preserve, or taking a trip to Oceanside or Pacific City, getting a coffee at Brewin' in the Wind or some clam chowder and an oyster shooter at Mo's.

It's the time of year I feel most alive.


Saturday, February 26

Sometimes, you need to just find a moment of beauty in a hectic day.

Friday, February 25

Finally Moving

I have now gone without gluten or dairy for a month, and the effects are rather astounding.

Since being home, but mostly in the last month, I have lost 20 pounds. My skin is much clearer, with fewer breakouts. I feel healthier, albeit a bit hungry, and it has made an impact on my family and Jay.

I'm fairly certain that it must be irritating, having two children in the house that are on very strict diets. (Rachel is a vegetarian, I'm no dairy or gluten.)

Anyhow, I'm really impressed with the diet.


Friday, February 18

Pretty Lights

Once again, my dear friend Kevin has proven himself to be awesome. He introduced me to the artist Pretty Lights, and let me tell you, Pretty Lights is one genre-bending musical mastermind. I didn't think it possible to combine hip hop, classic rock, techno, and psychedelic rock, but believe me, the result is simply mind-blowing.

Today's random overheard quote!
"...I mean, come on, I've only been out of jail for two weeks..."


Monday, February 14

Mad World

"And I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad,
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had."

-"Mad World" - Gary Jules (or Tears For Fears)

The sense of emptiness I feel on a daily basis is not only mine.

It's a mutual feeling shared by all under the burden of 12 or more credit hours a week or a similar amount of stress in their lives.

It's comforting to know I'm not alone.


Monday, February 7

My Life Story - The Prologue

While texting Kevin today, I mentioned an interesting fact about myself.
When I'm bored or just feeling good in a lazy sort of way, I unconsciously speak with a slight southern drawl. Keep in mind, I live in the northwest part of Oregon and have never been to any southern states.
Nevertheless, it happens.
When I told him about this, he replied in a very unique way. Here is his reply.

"What a strange phenomenon ;) Mayhaps... You were a southern in another life. A pioneer cutting across the country in a covered wagon... until you died of pneumonia one sad autumn night. The whole wagon train mourned for days, as you were their favorite cook. However, as they proceeded onward and eventually made it to Oregon, your soul followed them because of how strong your living ambition was.
Eventually Marina was born and you were like 'yo, it'd be pretty chill to be alive again.' And voila!"

"That's a lot better than my hypothesis about half my mom's family being from southern Oregon. :P"

"They aren't mutually exclusive :) so your wandering soul found a lady from southern Oregon and was like 'yo, I'm gonna kick it in this baby for a while and see what's up"

"This is going in a blog post for sure."

"Your life story: The prologue."

This is why I love Kevin.
